From transcription to publication, thiscollection goes into details about the models that inform the Canterbury TalesProject Research. Each article engages with a specific aspect of the editorialprocess, starting with transcription and going through collation and analysis,and concluding with the management system and details about our most recentpublication, the CantApp: General Prologue, a reader’s edition designed formobile devices.
Although the articles focus on the work ofthe Canterbury Tales Project, they present a theoretical framework that canserve as illustration for other medieval and non-medieval projects.
Making an Edition in an App
Barbara Bordalejo, Lina Gibbings, Richard North and Peter Robinson
“Pacience is an Heigh Vertu”: Managing the Canterbury Tales Project Via Textual Communities
Kyle Dase and Nicole Atkings
A Macron Signifying Nothing: Revisiting The Canterbury Tales Project Transcription Guidelines
Kendall Bitner and Kyle Dase
You’re Collating Just Fine and Other Lies You’ve Been Telling Yourself
Barbara Bordalejo and Adam Alberto Vázquez
Canterbury Tales Project Special Issue: Introduction
Barbara Bordalejo